Canadian Chilled Pork Spare Ribs Cube (420g) 加拿大特選排骨粒 (420克)



加拿大冰鮮特選排骨粒口感肉質鮮嫩,香軟多汁,肥瘦適中!豬隻飼養過程並不注射抗生素丶不含瘦肉精及荷爾蒙,並經過HACCP認證,大家食得放心和健康! 排骨已經預先切粒,在家輕鬆煮絕無難度!無論豉汁蒸排骨丶生炒排骨丶椒鹽排骨丶或是煮煲仔飯, 都同樣美味! Canadian Chilled Pork Spare Ribs Cube is one of my favorite products. It is tender, juicy and extremely delicious! The Canadian pig's feeding process is free of antibiotics, ractopamines, growth hormones and is HACCP certified. Perfect for steaming, pan-frying, deep-frying or making clay pot rice!

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