Frozen Hungarian Duck Breast 急凍匈牙利鴨胸



匈牙利🇭🇺氣侯清爽、四季温差變化不大👍🏻,提供優質養殖環境,使鴨隻得以用最自然方式養殖成長🦆,使鴨肉質有濃郁的味道🤤、皮薄肉厚😌多汁💦,食鴨肉更可以幫助增加蛋白質攝入量來保持我們的免疫系統健康💪🏻,幫助保持我們的皮膚健康!👍🏻 鴨胸做法其實很簡單😍,薄切來炒或打邊爐,更可抹上小許海鹽和黑胡椒,用凍鑊放鴨胸有皮那邊入鑊中,等它出油慢煎香, 最後伴以沙律菜即可上碟🥙,味道甘香肉質軟滑🤗,口感一流!😋 The cool climate and slight change in temperature between the four seasons make Hungary a high-quality breeding environment for ducks.👍🏻 These ducks are breed in the most natural way, giving its rich taste and tender meat texture. It is said that duck meat helps to boost our protein intake😌, which supports our immune system👍🏻 and keeps our skin healthy💪🏻. There are many ways to enjoy duck breast, thin slices are good for pan-fry, stir-fry and hotpot 😋. For pan-frying, sprinkle with sea salt and pepper🧂, the side of duck breast with skin should be put in the pan first. Its own oil released from heating will help to pan-fry the duck breast itself. Extremely tender, juicy and the taste is first class!

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