Frozen Wild-caught Alaska Black Cod (1kg) 原條美國阿拉斯加野生銀鱈魚 (1公斤)

The price is calculated per kg of the product.標價以1公斤計算



原條美國阿拉斯加野生銀鱈魚, 每條約重1.8kg-2.5kg, 已切魚扒, 約12-13片。 數量有限,售完即止。 在美國清徹水域成長的銀鱈魚,含有豐富的魚油成份,令它有著獨特的味道和質感。 另外,銀鱈魚含有豐富的奥米加 3、蛋白質及多種身體所需的維生素和礦物質, 例如維生素A、鈣和鎂等。👍🏻👍🏻 無論係烤、煎或蒸,都一樣適合架! Whole wild caught Alaska Black Cod, each fish weighs around 1.8kg-2.5kg, sliced as fish steak, 12-13 pieces. Available while stocks last. Black cod is nurtured in the clean waters of Alaska, USA. Its rich oil content gives the meat a distinctive flavor and texture. Cod is rich in omega 3, protein, an excellent source of vitamins and essential minerals including vitamin A, calcium and magnesium. It is good for roasting, frying and steaming.
