Frozen Canadian Lobster Tail (220g) 急凍加拿大龍蝦尾 (220克)



加拿大龍蝦尾是營養豐富嘅優質海鮮!用急凍技術處理的龍蝦尾能夠鎖住龍蝦的鮮甜味道,肉質肥美彈牙丶肉厚嫩滑, 而且蛋白質豐富丶脂肪含量低,在家就能享有高級餐廳般的享受! 龍蝦尾有多種的中西式烹調方法,可以清蒸龍蝦尾丶做龍蝦沙律丶龍蝦湯或焗龍蝦尾,都非常美味! Known for its rich nutritional value, Canadian Lobster Tail is one of the finest seafood ingredients. Use of IQF (Individual Quick Freezing) to freeze it quickly, quality of the lobster tail is maintained. The meat is plump and tender, taste is fresh, sweet and is juicy. Lobster is rich in protein and low in fat; a perfect ingredient to cook up a gourmet dinner at home. It is simple to prepare lobster tail, for example lobster salad, lobster bisque, and lobster gratin, everyone will enjoy these delicious dishes !

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