Frozen Canadian Pork Front Feet (Pre-cut) 加拿大有骨豬手 (預切)



急凍加拿大Savoury Choice 豬手肉質嫩滑可口! 豬手含有極豐富骨膠原和蛋白質,既能夠養顏又可以提供能量! 適合炆燉和慢煮。 加拿大Savoury Choice 豬手的優點: ❌注射賀爾蒙 ❌施打抗生素 ❌含瘦肉精 ❌含三聚氰胺 ❌含旋毛蟲 Frozen Canadian Savoury Choice Pork Front Feet🐖 is extremely tender and delicious! It is rich in protein and collagen😊. Suitable for braising, stewing and slow-cooking. The qualities of Savoury Choice Pork Feet: ❌Growth Hormone ❌Antibiotic ❌Ractopamine ❌Melamine ❌Trichinosis

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