NZ Frozen Lamb Leg Boneless (Hot Pot) (300g) 紐西蘭羊仔腿片 (300克)



羊仔腿片是用精細的手法去處理。 先把刀從腿部通過在髖骨背部的直角切割,並去除骨而製成最嫩又少脂肪的切片。 可以用作打邊爐、香煎, 炒, 或京式葱爆羊片, 一定齒頰留香, 味道一流。 Lamb leg slices are carved out by removing the rump at a right angle cut at the back of the hip bone, then cut across the grain to get the most tender slices with minimal fat. Best suited to hotpot, pan-fry, stir-fry with spring onion in Peking style! A mouthwatering flavorsome dish assured.

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