USA Chilled Prime Ribeye (Whole Strip) 美國頂級肉眼 (原條) 7kg-10kg


Buying a whole strip, you can enjoy a special offer of 40% off the base price.The price shown in black is the base price per kg, price in red is the 40% offer per kg. The total is calculated per kg of total weight.



美國頂級肉眼牛肉味道濃郁、脂肪分佈均勻,呈大理石花紋,肉質鮮嫩, 入口香甜多汁及持久不散的回韻! 適合香煎、焗或燒烤等烹調方法。 USA Chilled Prime Ribeye is a prime cut known for its succulent flavor, abundant marbling with good texture. It is juicy and tender with lingering beefy flavor . A perfect ingredient for panfrying, roasting or grilling.

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