USA Frozen Diced Beef (200g) 美國雪花一口牛 (200克)



美國雪花一口牛的雪花均勻分佈,肉質肥美鮮嫩、極之軟滑! 而且煮法非常方便,解凍後只需要香煎 ,加少許鹽及黑椒,便可以享用! 無論煮一道蒜香牛肉粒或是黑椒牛肉粒串燒, 都非常美味可口! The fat of USA Diced Beef is evenly distributed, the beef is tender and soft! Simply season with salt and pepper, you can pan-fry the diced beef , cook up garlic beef cubes or black pepper beef skewers, they are all very delicious!

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